According to CareerBuilder, 40% of employees will be seeking a new job in 2019… and the good news is that 44% of employers plan on hiring new staff.
For those of you in career transition, these Seven Factors can make you or break you… and determine your career success in 2019.
Factor #1 – Your Attitude
Believe it or not, your attitude shines brightly, no matter how you try to hide it. In our career coaching office here at Strategic Resumes, we see plenty of clients who are initially negative about the job market, righteously upset at how they’ve been treated by employers, or jealous of others’ success. Our ability to help our clients to overcome these self-defeating thought patterns can make all the difference.
Factor #2 – Your Confidence
Would you hire yourself? Of course you would! You’re great! You absolutely care about getting the job done. You go the extra mile… or more. You are honest and trustworthy. You work well with others. So it is definitely the case that others will want to hire you, once they know all of those things. Don’t let your age or any other aspect limit what you know you can bring to the table.
Factor #3 – Your Investment
An old political proverb states, “Show me your budget, and I’ll show you your beliefs.” The same holds true with how others will judge your value and suitability for hiring. If you have invested in a nice business suit, polished shoes, a first-rate resume, a sharp valise or briefcase, or a presentable vehicle, it will enure to your advantage.
Factor #4 – Your Education
Regardless of whether you graduated from an ivy league university or a community college, or indeed whether you have graduated at all, your attractiveness as a candidate can be greatly enhanced by enrolling in and completing workshops, seminars, and other industry training and continuing education that demonstrates your commitment to your field.
Factor #5 – Your Coaching
In virtually every competitive endeavor imaginable, those who seek to succeed and get ahead pursue coaching, even when they are near the top of their game, and especially if they are not. It is widely known that both drew Brees and Tom Brady use personal coaches outside of those readily available through their teams. Career coaching can make the decisive difference in the job search jungle, where finishing 2nd is not an option.
Factor #6 – Your Network
Your network can consist of both strong connections, such as family, close friends, co-workers, and neighbors… as well as weak connections, such as colleagues, acquaintances, friends of friends, social media connections, and people you have met at events. Oddly enough, social scientists have determined conclusively that weak connections (hint-people you barely know via LinkedIn, etc.) can play a huge role in landing a new job. Growing your network can improve your bottom line.
Factor #7 – Your Performance
The best predictor of your future success is your past performance, and potential employers know it. Whatever you are doing now, do it well. Redouble your efforts at work, volunteer for projects and assignments, find out what your higher-ups would like to see out of you, exceed your goals. Having a great Performance Evaluation at your current job, or if your employer has not gotten around to that, being able to make a credible case for your current achievements, is exactly what you will need to step up to the next level.
Our clients are distinguished by the knowledge that preparation and confidence are the keys to success, and they rely on Strategic Resumes & Career Coaching to give them an edge.
Grant Cooper received the Career Directors International President’s Award (CDI National Conference, Orlando, FL)
Grant Cooper specializes in Reinventing Resumes, Upgrading LinkedIn Profiles, and Career Coaching for Success. Strategic Resumes & Career Coaching has assisted the U.S. Air Force, Kinko’s, the Louisiana Dept. of Labor, the NFL, the NBA, as well as universities, regional banks, hospitals, celebrities, nonprofits, government agencies, entrepreneurs, and corporations. Grant’s clients land competitive positions at Fortune 500 firms and attract the best offers. Contact: or call 504-891-7222 (leave message for quick return call)