A Strategic Resume is a customized resume designed and written just for you. It focuses on your skills, abilities, and accomplishments in order to effectively market your value to a prospective employer. Unlike typesetting services, StrategicResumes.com is a creative, customized resume writing service, and you simply arrange a personal telephone interview with one of our writers on our toll-free line after faxing or e-mailing any basic information. Your resume will be based upon the initial fax or e-mail you send us, along with notes we take while discuss in the toll-free resume interview session, as well as the experience we have gained from writing resumes for literally every field. For a telephone interview appointment, or simply for information, call us now at our toll-free hotline.
Custom-written Strategic Resumes are most often ordered by those at the middle and top ends of the skill level scale. In a recent survey, the breakdown generally follows this pattern: Executive-8%, Management-36%, Professional/Technical-31%, Mid-Level and Administrative-12%, and Students / Entry-Level-13%. Apparently, the people who are used to getting results and delegating important tasks recognize the value of having a professional writer prepare their resume!
For many years, the one-page resume was considered ideal for most positions. Candidates were instructed to “keep it to one page, as long as you are reasonably qualified, you will get an interview.” However, with the recent downsizing of most corporations (drastically affecting HR & Personnel departments), there is no longer the time nor the staffing available to conduct dozens of interviews for each opening. The additional one minute or less required to review a detailed, accomplishment-based resume is now seen as far more efficient than the timely and costly process of contacting and arranging job interviews for candidates with abbreviated documentation. There are literally hundreds of recent articles by the leading HR, recruitment, and employment experts throughout the nation who now catagorically and routinely state that the era of the 1-page resume is dead, except for lower-level and truly entry-level positions.
Although Strategic Resumes cost up to 50% less than those at many national and local resume writing services, they do, of course, cost more than those at resume typing services. Even many of the so-called resume writing services are actually little more than glorified typing and formatting services that mostly rely on forms that you must fill out, they generally do not have Certified Resume Writers on staff, they quite often use a ‘cookie-cutter’ approach, and they do not take each order as a challenge to create a unique document that will command attention.
Of course, they may change a few words and try to make the resume look spiffy, but there is very little in the way of a creative writing process. By contrast, your writer at StrategicResumes.com will offer creative writing services with no forms for you to fill out, conduct a personal toll-free telephone interview with you at a convenient time (usually 15-20 minutes in total length), and dramatically reword, reposition, and refocus your qualifications for the targeted areas you are seeking.
Our 30-Day Free Revisions and Full Moneyback Guarantee are virtually unique in the industry, and our customer service is the best in the business. When you order a Strategic Resume, you will speak directly with a writer after faxing or e-mailing your basic information, by phoning our toll-free hotline. The information we receive by speaking with you allows us to effectively highlight your skills and abilities in a way that you most likely hadn’t imagined.
You may order a resume here. Or, simply call the StrategicResumes.com Central Writing Office on the toll-free hotline at any time, 7 days per week, to arrange your personal telephone interview at our toll-free number, 1-800-700-9748, or e-mailing your old resume or any notes you have. Interviews can be scheduled from Monday through Saturday.
All Strategic Resumes are written in our Central Writing Office on Magazine St. in New Orleans, Louisiana. We can be reached at the toll-free number. Our degreed writers are selected for writing expertise and are experienced and trained to effectively organize and market your skills and abilities.
Strategic Resumes generally take several days to complete after receipt of all information. However, if the timing of your order is urgent, and your StrategicResumes.com interview is complete, your new resume can be expedited, with no rush charge! (Try to find that feature anywhere else!)
Requests for changes or corrections should be made directly to our writers on the toll-free hotline and will normally be ready in 1-2 business days, if requested. Changes to your resume are free for 30 days from the date of your order.
Our StrategicResumes.com Writing Office will store your resume electronically, so you can get updates or changes whenever you wish. Just place your updating order by calling our Central Writing Office on the toll-free hotline (1-800-700-9748). The modest prices for updating or changing your resume after 30-days depend upon the length and complexity of the changes requested. You may call for a price quote from the Central Writing Office on the toll-free line.
Over 9 out of 10 corporate and business offices now use Microsoft Word, making it the word processing software of choice in the business world. Microsoft Word files can be easily attached to email messages, converted into text files, or reformatted for required scannable purposes. Despite any information to the contrary, OCR (optical character recognition) software used for scanning resumes has improved dramatically within the past 5 years and can now handle Microsoft Word formats with ease, including bolding, underlining, italics, and bulleting. You may also request a PDF version at no additional charge.
StrategicResumes.com is one of the very few resume writing services in the nation that gives every customer a full 30 days of free revisions and a full moneyback guarantee. Here’s how it works… Once you have received your initial draft, simply call the toll-free number to get any revisions you wish. You have a full 30 days to do this, and we are happy to do any and all revisions you request. Our goal is to literally make you more than just happy, our goal is to create a resume that will make you enthusiastic about our service, and recommend it to others.
StrategicResumes.com places no national advertising and totally depends upon referrals to generate most of its business. If, after revisions, rewriting, and any other changes you request, you are still unhappy for any reason, we will return your full purchase price. There are no complicated forms to request this… a simple phone call will do! Most other resume firms state a guarantee that they will rewrite your resume for free! but do not go the further step, as we do, of offering a full refund.
If you think about it, what good is ‘rewriting your resume for free’ if the people writing it aren’t capable of writing a good product in the first place?
Thousands of customers have called our writers to thank them for preparing job-winning resumes. Recruiters and HR directors continue to refer those candidates to us that they would like to place, but whose resumes simply don’t do the job. Our staff has attended conferences, seminars, and workshops throughout the U.S., all have college degrees, and we are regularly invited to major job fairs to conduct resume critiques. In addition, our service has been recommended by nationally-acclaimed authors and publications.
Until the introduction of StrategicResumes.com, job seekers were often faced with seriously unprofessional services, quick ‘cookie-cutter’ typesetting outfits, less-than-qualified practitioners working out of their homes, or overpriced professional firms charging as much as 100% more. When our customers say, “They told me I was chosen for the interview because my resume was the best one they received,” when you consider that we have a database of over 10,000 resumes written by our staff for virtually every profession in nearly every state across the country, and when you add the fact that we are one of the only resume writing services that gives every customer a full 30 days of free revisions and a full moneyback guarantee, you can understand how we have emerged as the preeminent resume service in the U.S.
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Strategic Resumes is expertly positioned to put you to work in the Crescent City.
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4513 Magazine St., #4
New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 813-9922
Monday – Saturday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM